Friday, September 23, 2011


Well I just finished reading We the Animals by Justin Torres.  This book was incredibly written but it was sad and dark.  I definitely recommend it for the prose alone, but now I think I need something lighter so I decided to finally pick-up The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz.  What could be lighter than reading about a bakery chef's journey to live and survive in Paris.  This has to be good.

Before We The Animals I had read Kim Severson's book Spoon Fed and loved it.  I can't thank Kim enough for writing a book that was so real and honest.  Sometimes you just need to read other people's truths to help you discover some of your own.  She's a great writer and full of inspiration.  I very much enjoy her style and I always enjoy learning more about food and cooking!

I will let you know how the baker makes out in Paris when I'm done, but I already know he's doing just fine because I follow him on twitter!