Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dead End Gene Pool

Well, I just finished listening to Dead End Gene Pool by Wendy Burden. (I enjoy listening to books on tape (CD) while in my car. It makes sitting at all of the lights on Route 9 so much more enjoyable.) This book was incredible. I am amazed that someone would want to put all of that in writing for the world to read. It reminded me of Angela's Ashes only this is about the uber wealthy. The book is a memoir and Wendy is a descendent of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Unbelievable. The rich are so different in so many ways, but I don't think they are happier! I am not sure why she wrote this book as she mocked her grandfather for writing his memoir in her (this) book. Anyway, if you're up for some trash and want to learn about how the rich love their alcohol, drugs and porn, pick up this book. Otherwise, stick to something more rewarding.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Biscuits & Locavores

I wasn't going to write anything this weekend because I didn't actually do much. I only tried one new recipe and it was a biscuit recipe. Which is really unusual because I do not make "stuff" like biscuits. However, I saw this recipe in a new cookbook I purchased by Heidi Swanson called Yogurt Biscuits and it sounded really good. They looked good in the picture too. I have been following Heidi on her blog: 101 cookbooks for years now and finally broke down and bought her cookbooks titled: Super Natural Every Day and Super Natural Cooking. All of her recipes are vegetarian, so these books are not for you meat lovers out there. I made the biscuits with Spelt flour and I highly recommend them. They are almost gone! (And I can't figure out why I keep putting on weight.)

The real reason I decided to post this weekend was because of an article I was reading in the new issue of Adirondack Explorer. They did a story about the local farms in the Adirondacks and how they are (or are not) getting their fruits, vegetables and meats to market. What I found really interesting was what the Keene Central School was doing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weekend with Eileen

I am still trying to work this whole “blog thing” into my life by writing about certain aspects of my life on a regular basis. I’m not sure why. I don’t know if anyone is going to be interested in reading about what I am doing, cooking or reading. My plan is to thematically limit my blog posts to stories about food, primarily at our home on beautiful Bullet Pond and maybe an occasional book review. Four years ago, Joe decided it was time to expand the kitchen. It started out as an 8 foot expansion, but because we were going to need to put in a foundation no matter how large the addition, we decided to make the addition large enough to accommodate a two car garage downstairs and a master bedroom and bath upstairs. The final plan ended up doubling the size of the house. The new kitchen with its 3 sinks and enough counter space to allow for catering of parties became the new family room. We spend all of our time in the kitchen and we spend a lot of time cooking or simply preparing food and meals there.